Tag: Africa

!قصيده: سوف نكون

!قصيده: سوف نكون

بقلم ارمياس سرقي (ولدنا في القرن التاسع عشر ... تحت الأب القاسي (الطليان (خرجنا من الأب القاسي ... جائنا الجار الواطي (إثيوبيا فاقسم بحرق بلادنا ... و قولنا له لا يا واطي اقمنا الثوره بأيدي شبابن ... و قولنا لا لءحتلالنا تجمعنا في بيتن واحداً ... من أجل نصرت بلادنا أتحدنا تحت شعاران واحد ... من … Continue reading !قصيده: سوف نكون

The Guardian: Aid in reverse: how poor countries develop rich countries

The Guardian: Aid in reverse: how poor countries develop rich countries

By Jason Hickel We have long been told a compelling story about the relationship between rich countries and poor countries. The story holds that the rich nations of the OECD give generously of their wealth to the poorer nations of the global south, to help them eradicate poverty and push them up the development ladder. … Continue reading The Guardian: Aid in reverse: how poor countries develop rich countries

Secularism for the “United States of Eritrea”

Secularism for the “United States of Eritrea”

By Ermyas Sereke On November 28 2016, I read a very interesting article on ''awate.com'' - Popular Eritrean opposition website - called '' The United States of Eritrea''. In the article the author talks about what kind of ''federal government'', Education, and language should Eritrea have after the post-dictatorship period on his opinion. But he … Continue reading Secularism for the “United States of Eritrea”

Why do EU leaders still think they can engage with Eritrea’s regime?

Why do EU leaders still think they can engage with Eritrea’s regime?

By Martin Plaut As the European parliament hosts another Eritrean politician in the hope of reducing the number of refugees fleeing the small African state, the fact that the regime has been found guilty of “crimes against humanity” by the UN has once again been overlooked. The event, organised by Irish MEP Brian Hayes and … Continue reading Why do EU leaders still think they can engage with Eritrea’s regime?