Tag: how democracy come

Eritrean Opposition from Difference Management to Difference Resolution

Eritrean Opposition from Difference Management to Difference Resolution

Written by Mamino Eritrea, as a country, is facing problems of forced depopulation internally and forced disconnection externally.  Isaias’s policy of militarizing the country compelled the youth to live in ditches and their parents to carry guns and guard empty streets.  The policy rendered living a peaceful and dignified life impossible.  Externally, Eritreans are on forced … Continue reading Eritrean Opposition from Difference Management to Difference Resolution

Eritrea: The Missing Element for A Democratic Change

Eritrea: The Missing Element for A Democratic Change

Written by Abdulrazig Kerar The main proposition of this article is that change in Eritrea is inevitable.  However, that does not imply it will occur within the timeframe that the Eritrean opposition professes claiming the regime is at the verge of collapsing. Moreover, change does not imply an automatic transition to a democratic system. The … Continue reading Eritrea: The Missing Element for A Democratic Change